Years Later Batman Arkham Knight Just Got A New Movie Batsuit
Eight years after release--and several years since it last received a new addition to the Bat-wardrobe--Batman: Arkham Knight has been updated with a brand new set of threads for the Caped Crusader to wear while he rearranges the teeth of criminals running loose in Gotham. Or technically, a new Pattsuit. Over on the Epic Games Store version of Arkham Knight (via GeekVibesNation and verified by us), owners of that game can dress up as Robert Pattinson's incarnation of the Dark Knight, who first appeared in 2022's The Batman film.

This doesn't appear to be a mod that has been slipped into the game, but a brand-new costume that has officially been added as an optional outfit that can be worn throughout Batman's battle against the Arkham Knight. So what's the deal here? Rocksteady hasn't made any mention of the costume on its social channels yet, and there was no hint of it being inserted into the game at all, making this a complete surprise. The one theory is that it's linked to the upcoming Switch release of Batman: Arkham Trilogy, which was originally meant to launch on October 26 before it was delayed to December 1.
It's possible that the costume was supposed to be included in all versions of Arkham Knight, and the updated game client might have accidentally gone live on EGS on the original release date of Arkham Trilogy. If that's the case, then it's a happy accident for Batman fans on that platform, as they can now tour Gotham in the fashionable threads of the Pattman.
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